Einan's Funeral Home
Einan’s at Sunset Funeral Home
At Einan’s at Sunset Funeral Home , we know that you only have one chance to get it right. That’s why we remain forward thinking in the services we provide, transcending tradition and giving you the freedom to create meaningful experiences as you say goodbye to your loved one. We are a full service funeral home establishment, well equipped to handle all your needs.
Cremation Services
From a traditional funeral to a personalized service, a small or large gathering or a simple open house, we can create that special event that will pay tribute to your loved one’s personality by including their hobbies and interests in their Life Celebration.
How Can We Help You?
Funeral Services
Funeral services are a means of celebrating a loved one with an array of customizable options. Learn what Einan’s can do for you.
How Can We Help You?
Burial Services
From a traditional funeral to a personalized service, a small or large gathering or a simple open house, we can create that special event that will pay tribute to your loved one’s personality by including their hobbies and interests in their Life Celebration..
How Can We Help You?

Our Staff
Our team is committed to being creative and compassionate in meeting the needs of our families.

Our Facilities
In 2015, Einan’s at Sunset began a remodeling project to create a whole new look. Our new look is modern, bright and warm.

On-Site Crematory
Einan’s at Sunset Funeral Home offers a variety of choices to help fulfill wishes when choosing cremation.

Relieve your loved ones of the financial burden during the time of loss by beginning the Pre-Planning process today. Planning ahead offers you choice, selection, and favorable financial terms, while offering individuals the comfort in knowing that your wishes and financial decisions will not be made during a time of stress.
Sunset Gardens
A place for celebrating the memories of your loved one for years to come.
Einan's At Sunset
At Einan's, we want to help you to create a meaningful experience.
Cemetery At Sunset
Providing a place of solace for families to come for generations.
Events At Sunset
Our beautiful facility can accommodate groups from 10 to 250.

Find Us
Einan’s at Sunset Funeral Home
915 By Pass Hwy Bldg H
Richland, WA 99352
(509) 943-1114 Phone
(509) 946-5678 Fax
© 2023 Einan’s at Sunset Funeral Home / Terms of Payment & Refund Policy