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Michael D. Brown
01/03/1957 — 05/30/2004
From Benton, City, WA, US | Born in Edwards Air Force Base, California
Michael D. Brown
I was born January 3, 1957 to Russell and Janet Brown at Edwards AFB in California. Soon after, we moved to Richland where my father, like my grandfather, worked to strengthen our national defense at the Hanford Site. I attended Jefferson and Spaulding Elementary Schools, Chief Joseph Jr. High, and graduated from Hanford High School in 1975. I was a little too smart for my own good sometimes, but enjoyed basketball and lettered in several sports. I amazingly survived my teenage years.
I met the love of my life, Marcia, at Farrells Ice Cream Parlor in 1975. We married in 1978 during our college years. I earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from WSU in 1980 Go Cougs! and a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering from UW in 1986.
I am very grateful that Battelle hired me in 1980. I have spent nearly 24 years building pilot plants and researching things that make engineers drool, including fuels and chemicals, biotechnology, hazardous waste cleanup, and nuclear technologies. My teams were fortunate enough to be awarded patents, R&D 100 awards, and Popular Science Magazine awards, and I have traveled all over the world. I was instrumental in pushing the envelope - doing real bare-knuckles technology transfer and local economic development in its infancy.
I have had the privilege to serve the community as a volunteer diver with Columbia Basin Dive Rescue since 1983. Together, the team recovers vehicles, drowning victims and evidence in crimes, and provides water safety education. Some of the finest men and women I know continue with this thankless work today.
I am survived by my beautiful wife, Marcia; my wonderful sons Matthew and Marcus; sister Adele; brothers Jeff, Garry, and Roger; my parents Russell and Janet; my Grandma Alice; and numerous in-laws and out-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews.
Melanoma is unforgiving. It now affects 1 in 70. If you havent had at least one checkup by a dermatologist by the time you are 30 - do so today.
As with everything, Mom Me do it myself!
Michael completed his journey in this life on May 30, 2004. Surrounded by those who loved him, he swam across the river to begin his new life and into the welcoming arms of those who had been waiting patiently for his arrival so the party could start.
A memorial celebration of Mikes life will be held on Saturday, June 19th at 10:00AM at Central United Protestant Church, 1124 Stevens Drive, Richland, followed by a reception at the Columbia Basin Dive Rescue building, 1960 Butler Loop, Richland.
Mike requested that in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions be made to Columbia Basin Dive Rescue at 1960 Butler Loop, Richland WA 99352.
Marcia and Sons,
As Michael’s cousins, my brothers and I were able to share some of our early lives with Mike and his family. We climbed trees, swam at the pool and shared Christmas at grandma’s house.
Although my life has taken a different path, I’ve always looked at Mike and his family as inspiration for me. They embody some of the finest values in our great nation. They are hard working and educated; they are close and loving. They display professionalism and integrity; they believe in family and home. Their country and thier communities are better for their efforts and their example.
Marcia, we don’t know each other well, but I can see you are a tower of strength. I’m sorry you’ve had to prove it. Matthew and Marcus, I’m certain you carry the virtues of your fine parents. These qualities will see you through good times and bad… I know you look forward to seeing your father again some day. I do as well.
My small family is remembering you in our prayers.
Lee, Shereen and Tara Maddox
Mike I know you are still around too many good words are being spoken about you. I know you are hearing them all. I want to thank you for the advice you gave me one day in my office on how to work with Marcia. Never in my 29 years in education have I had a husband give me advice about their wife. It would be worth my time and money to take out all the husbands that have wives on my staff to dinner and maybe some refeshmentswe could really have a good chat. My only wish, I wish I could have spent more time with you–what a great guy!
Marcia, Matthew and Marcus; What a great husband and dad. He will always be there for you all.
Take Care
Marcia, Matt & Marcus-
Mike had to be so proud of the young men you have become, I know we are! Let the memories and fun times fill the hole in your heart.
We send our love and hugs.
Paul and Jan
My sincere condolences to the family. I don’t remember Micheal, but I knew Mom as the ‘other’ Janet Kegel, and my sympathy is with her in her sorrow.
For Marcia and the Boys,
Our prayers are with you as you make the transition to being without your loving husband and father.
Bill and Fran
Dear Marcia, Marcus, Matt, and family:
What a great husband,father, son, and friend Mike must have been. I had the privilege of working with Mike in the food irradiation field over the years at Battelle. Mike was a great person and a great scientist, and was always barreling ahead on things. He would take on and tackle projects that, to many people, would seem impossible or crazy….that’s what I’ll remember most about Mike. I see that he wrote his own obituary….that’s classic Mike. Over the past year, Mike was rarely missed in our daily prayers. If we neglected to mention his name, our 6-year-old would immediately chide us for it…even though he never met Mike, he knew that he was ill and needed prayers.
Mark K. Murphy
Mike helped me with stories for the Tri-City Herald several times, both as a scientist and a dive-rescue volunteer. He was always a pleasure to interview.
He was able to make technical subjects easy to understand and his enthusiasm for his work was evident.
I particularly remember one day about five years ago when I was in a rush to meet a deadline and he was home on sick leave. He not only took my call, but he also patiently walked me through an explanation of how irradiation works.
My thoughts will be with you on the 19th, but I will be in England so can’t attend. I know you will miss Mike but I know the treasury of happy memories you have of him will help you through the rough times. I hope to see some of you in Colville in July, We need the strength of family ties to remain strong for our future generations. My love to you all, Carol
Marcia – Harry Chapin would have been proud to know Mike.
Matthew and Marcus – Live your lives as a tribute to your father’s.
He was a great warrior in the struggle for Favorite Son-in-Law. The battle won’t quite be the same.
Our thoughts are with you and all our family who mourn our immense, irreplaceable loss.
-Unca Doe, Aunt Lee and Family
All the Brown family continues to be in our thoughts and prayers. Mac
I was very sorry to hear of Mike’s passing. I have many fond memories of our years in school together, from chasing each other in the playground in the 2nd grade at Jefferson, Mike signing my yearbook at Chief Jo, and graduation night from Hanford. I had the good fortune to get to visit with him again at our 25th reunion. My heartfelt condolences to all his family.
I knew Mike in high school and enjoyed working with him at Battelle for years. He was full speed ahead in whatever he did. He had a kind way about him while being totally down to earth and funny. Once we were talking about his work with Columbia Basin Dive Rescue and I asked him if he had ever given a drowning victim CPR. He said, “Yeah, but it’s gross.” That was Mike for you. We were all devastated to hear about his melanoma and heartbroken when it reocurred after such an ardous year of treatment. It was an honor to speak with him one final time a few days before he passed away. What an influence he was in so many ways. Marcia, Matt, and Marcus, you are in my prayers for grace and courage to continue without him on earth … while we all anticipate meeting him again on “that beautiful shore.”
Marcia & boys-
Our thoughts and prayers are will you at this time. We are so sorry for your loss. We will see you soon..
Marcia and family –
I was so sorry to hear about Mike. I so enjoyed my yearly meeting with the two of you as we did battle with the government also known as tax preparation!. I really enjoyed Mike’s passion regarding Columbia Basin Dive Rescue and will always wonder how he talked me into giving them free accounting services for all those years.
I will keep you in my prayers.
Its been many years since your passing and I regret so many things everyday; things I didnt say to you, things you arent here to be part of. I wish we had more time together, 10 years ago I said goodbye to you for the last time before I went to work on a Sunday. That’s not the way I will remember you, I will remember you in the incredible way you taught me to do so many things. Things that i took for granted at the time, but now having 2 sons; Michael age 9 and Trenton age 6. I am realizing you preparing me for this. Preparing me to pass on my knowledge to them. To love them unconditionally, as you did to Marcus and I, to help us grow and be the best companions we could be for our wives. Dad we owe you so much and cannot thank you, we can only keep your legacy alive through our words and our actions. I can only hope to become the man you were. We talk about you often and the boys would have a blast with their grandpa mike.
Marcia and Sons,
As Michael’s cousins, my brothers and I were able to share some of our early lives with Mike and his family. We climbed trees, swam at the pool and shared Christmas at grandma’s house.
Although my life has taken a different path, I’ve always looked at Mike and his family as inspiration for me. They embody some of the finest values in our great nation. They are hard working and educated; they are close and loving. They display professionalism and integrity; they believe in family and home. Their country and thier communities are better for their efforts and their example.
Marcia, we don’t know each other well, but I can see you are a tower of strength. I’m sorry you’ve had to prove it. Matthew and Marcus, I’m certain you carry the virtues of your fine parents. These qualities will see you through good times and bad… I know you look forward to seeing your father again some day. I do as well.
My small family is remembering you in our prayers.
Lee, Shereen and Tara Maddox
Mike I know you are still around too many good words are being spoken about you. I know you are hearing them all. I want to thank you for the advice you gave me one day in my office on how to work with Marcia. Never in my 29 years in education have I had a husband give me advice about their wife. It would be worth my time and money to take out all the husbands that have wives on my staff to dinner and maybe some refeshmentswe could really have a good chat. My only wish, I wish I could have spent more time with you–what a great guy!
Marcia, Matthew and Marcus; What a great husband and dad. He will always be there for you all.
Take Care
Marcia, Matt & Marcus-
Mike had to be so proud of the young men you have become, I know we are! Let the memories and fun times fill the hole in your heart.
We send our love and hugs.
Paul and Jan
My sincere condolences to the family. I don’t remember Micheal, but I knew Mom as the ‘other’ Janet Kegel, and my sympathy is with her in her sorrow.
For Marcia and the Boys,
Our prayers are with you as you make the transition to being without your loving husband and father.
Bill and Fran
Dear Marcia, Marcus, Matt, and family:
What a great husband,father, son, and friend Mike must have been. I had the privilege of working with Mike in the food irradiation field over the years at Battelle. Mike was a great person and a great scientist, and was always barreling ahead on things. He would take on and tackle projects that, to many people, would seem impossible or crazy….that’s what I’ll remember most about Mike. I see that he wrote his own obituary….that’s classic Mike. Over the past year, Mike was rarely missed in our daily prayers. If we neglected to mention his name, our 6-year-old would immediately chide us for it…even though he never met Mike, he knew that he was ill and needed prayers.
Mark K. Murphy
Mike helped me with stories for the Tri-City Herald several times, both as a scientist and a dive-rescue volunteer. He was always a pleasure to interview.
He was able to make technical subjects easy to understand and his enthusiasm for his work was evident.
I particularly remember one day about five years ago when I was in a rush to meet a deadline and he was home on sick leave. He not only took my call, but he also patiently walked me through an explanation of how irradiation works.
My thoughts will be with you on the 19th, but I will be in England so can’t attend. I know you will miss Mike but I know the treasury of happy memories you have of him will help you through the rough times. I hope to see some of you in Colville in July, We need the strength of family ties to remain strong for our future generations. My love to you all, Carol
Marcia – Harry Chapin would have been proud to know Mike.
Matthew and Marcus – Live your lives as a tribute to your father’s.
He was a great warrior in the struggle for Favorite Son-in-Law. The battle won’t quite be the same.
Our thoughts are with you and all our family who mourn our immense, irreplaceable loss.
-Unca Doe, Aunt Lee and Family
All the Brown family continues to be in our thoughts and prayers. Mac
I was very sorry to hear of Mike’s passing. I have many fond memories of our years in school together, from chasing each other in the playground in the 2nd grade at Jefferson, Mike signing my yearbook at Chief Jo, and graduation night from Hanford. I had the good fortune to get to visit with him again at our 25th reunion. My heartfelt condolences to all his family.
I knew Mike in high school and enjoyed working with him at Battelle for years. He was full speed ahead in whatever he did. He had a kind way about him while being totally down to earth and funny. Once we were talking about his work with Columbia Basin Dive Rescue and I asked him if he had ever given a drowning victim CPR. He said, “Yeah, but it’s gross.” That was Mike for you. We were all devastated to hear about his melanoma and heartbroken when it reocurred after such an ardous year of treatment. It was an honor to speak with him one final time a few days before he passed away. What an influence he was in so many ways. Marcia, Matt, and Marcus, you are in my prayers for grace and courage to continue without him on earth … while we all anticipate meeting him again on “that beautiful shore.”
Marcia & boys-
Our thoughts and prayers are will you at this time. We are so sorry for your loss. We will see you soon..
Marcia and family –
I was so sorry to hear about Mike. I so enjoyed my yearly meeting with the two of you as we did battle with the government also known as tax preparation!. I really enjoyed Mike’s passion regarding Columbia Basin Dive Rescue and will always wonder how he talked me into giving them free accounting services for all those years.
I will keep you in my prayers.
Its been many years since your passing and I regret so many things everyday; things I didnt say to you, things you arent here to be part of. I wish we had more time together, 10 years ago I said goodbye to you for the last time before I went to work on a Sunday. That’s not the way I will remember you, I will remember you in the incredible way you taught me to do so many things. Things that i took for granted at the time, but now having 2 sons; Michael age 9 and Trenton age 6. I am realizing you preparing me for this. Preparing me to pass on my knowledge to them. To love them unconditionally, as you did to Marcus and I, to help us grow and be the best companions we could be for our wives. Dad we owe you so much and cannot thank you, we can only keep your legacy alive through our words and our actions. I can only hope to become the man you were. We talk about you often and the boys would have a blast with their grandpa mike.
Mike,I enjoyed those teen-age years and times when you, I, Marcia and Marcia’s sister Mary, along with the rest of that motley crew worked at Farrels Ice Cream Parlor. You helped make the times great.Thanks for helping me out when I visited WSU.
Sounds like you took life by the horns and came out on top.
Good job.
Dear Marcia, Matthew, and Marcus,
Mike was such a fun, loving guy. He made us laugh and smile. He will be greatly missed.
We love you, Brown family!
The Meinecke family
Carl, Jill, Justin, and Kayla
For Mike
Old friends from Farrell’s
Sang Birthday Carols.
Hanford class of 74 & 75.
So glad you got to dive!
We didn’t keep in touch
Excuses of “busy” and such.
Your spirit is always alive
as memories of you survive.
Sending loving thoughts to Marcia, Matthew,Marcus and the whole family.
Eric and Ruth Richman
Always a generous and thoughtful colleague, Mike always fashioned a smile and had enthusiasm to share. He offered so much to everyone he knew and earned a special spot in many hearts. His lovely family helped mold a positive, influential and credible individual, and have every right to be very proud. We have all benefited from what he gave to the community, and what he personally contributed as a friend to so many.
I went to junior high and senior high with Mike. I haven’t seen him since then, but I remember him as a fun and crazy kind of guy. My sympathies go out to his family.
Mindi Jackson Bohrer
Guestbook for
Michael D. Brown