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Beatrice Marie Vice
07/23/1931 — 03/17/2010
From Pasco, WA, US | Born in Chicago, IL
Beatrice Marie Vice
Beatrice Marie Vice went to be with her Lord and Savior on March 17, 2010. Born July 23, 1931 in Chicago, IL, Bea was the daughter of Margit and Lars Larsen. She was soon joined by her siblings, Larry Joanne Larsen of Blaine, WA and Kristine Lynn Robertson of Phoenix, AZ. Bea moved to Tacoma WA at an early age. Shortly after graduating from Lincoln High School in Tacoma, she met a young Air Force airman, Donald Vice. Don and Bea were married August 2, 1953. Bea was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother for the past 56 years. Bea was a devout pastor's wife, believing in Ruth 1:16…"for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God, my God…"
A member of Hermiston Landmark Missionary Baptist church, Bea was known for her warm smile, gentle ways and organ playing.
Bea is survived by her husband, Donald Vice Sr. of Pasco, daughter, Margit Randy Shultz of Boise ID, son, Jon Vice of Pasco and daughter, Jessie Vice of Pasco. "Grannie" is also survived by 5 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.
Bea was preceded in death by her parents, Margit and Lars Larsen; son, Donald Vice Jr; grandson, Cory Vice and granddaughter, Breann Vice.
Proverbs 31:25…"Strength and honor are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come."
Don, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you.
Bro. Don, Our sincere sympathy to you and the entire family. May God bless you and give you grace and strength in your time of great loss. John & Jean Owen
Bro. Vice and family, Please know that we are praying for you and your family during this difficult time. May God bless you. Baring Cross is praying for you.
Our thoughts are with the family and we pray that God gives you strength and courage during this difficult time.
Don,Margit,Jon,Jessie & Kris We are sorry for your loss. Beas big hugs and smile mixed with her tears of joy will always be in my heart.
We have known you since 1964 and have been like 2nd parents even when we lived so fsr apart.
Our love & prayers Roy and Doris
Dear Bro. Vice,
Just a note to let you know that Gail and I are praying for you and the family. God’s grace is good and supplies your every need. We care and you are in our thoughts. May our Lord comfort you and bless you beyond measure.
Bro. Jim and Gail Jones
Bro. Vice and Family, You have my
prayers during this most difficult
time. Sis. Bea was a very special
lady and I always enjoyed visiting
with her when our paths crossed. God bles you and your family.
Eloise Raley
Dear Bro. Vice and Family,
Sandra and I extend to you and your family our Christian sympathy in the passing of your precious loved one. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this very difficult time. May the God of all grace and comfort bless and strengthen you and your family. Love and prayers,
Randy and Sandra Cloud
Dear Bro. Don and Family,
Elaine and I would like to express our sympathy and prayers to you and your family. I truly can say, I know how you feel over the loss of Sis. Bea. Thank you for the hospitality, and good times we have shared together, in your home. May God Bless you and your family, now, and in the months to follow.
Kenneth, Elaine, & Shelby Bray
We want the family to know that our prayers and thoughts are with you in your loss. I am sure that you are mindful of the many prayers that are being offered up for your comfort and strength. God bless each of you.
Hollis and Patsy McDermott
My thoughts and prayers are with your. Your mother will be dearly missed.
Vice Family,
Linda and I send our thoughts and prayers to you upon the death of Sister Bea. Over the years going back to the late sixties when Bro. Don pastored at Carlisle and we were pastoring at Lonoke, we have loved and appreciated Sister Bea and all your family. When we visited in Washington State, we felt very much at home with your family. Once when I was there and got sick, Sister Bea worried about me as a mother would her child. When I would call to visit, she was always upbeat. We will miss those visits over the phone.
God Bless You,
James & Linda Calhoun
Arkadelphia, Arkansas
Brother Vice, Our prayers are with you. You and Sister Bea are very fondly spoken of and remembered by the members of Baring Cross Missionary Baptist Church. Please know that we are lifting you and your family up in prayer. We pray that God will pour out His grace, mercy and love on you all and comfort you in your time of loss.
Your’s in the Lord, Brother Ronnie Hardin Pastor, Baring Cross Baptist Church
Dear Bro. Vice and Family – Please know we are thinking of you and will be praying for you all during this difficult time.
My thoughts and prayers are with the family at this time. Grannie you will be missed but never forgotten.
Dear Brother Vice
I am not sure you will remember me, but we attended Seminary together. I was saddened by the news of your loss. I assure you that you will be in my prayers during this difficult time. I know God will comfort you as only He can.
Dear Brother Don and Family,
Our hearts were saddend by knowing of Sister Beatrice Marie’s passing away from us here on the earth. We were together in Little Rock, AK while we were attending Missionary Baptist Seminary in the 1960s and I was invited in your home several times. I was given opportunities to preach at the churches you pastored while we were in AK. Everytime I was with you, Sister Beatrice Marie did a splended job in cooking and taking care of me, a hungry young student. I thank God for a fine Christian family dedicated to His work. Thank you my dear Sister for everything. I know you are in the best place now where you made your reservation by Jesus Christ as Savior.
Mitch and Akiko Kawahara
Aline and I wish to express our condolences at your loss. We were friends in the past but we have never forgotten you and your kindnesses and friendship the two of you extended to us. We are lifting you up in our prayers and will see Bea in glory.
Bro. Thom Stapleton
We will always remember Bea with her soft smile and gentle ways. She was a good friend and pastor’s wife to our family and we think of her and the family often. I know she is smiling down upon us now saying you have no idea what you’re missing. We look forward to when we will all see her again in our perfect bodies in the presence of Jesus and His angels. Until then, Bea, keep smiling.
Dear Aunt Bea,
How I will miss your welcoming smile and warm hugs. I have so many good memories about you.
The wonderful Christmas Eves we spend at your house and your delicious fudge and Norwegian cookies.
You will be missed and will always hold a special place in my heart. Love, Karen & Sarah
Dear Bea,
We can’t believe we won’t ever hear your warm happy voice again.
You cherished and loved your family so much. You cared about all of us. Always calling to see how we were doing.
We will always remember all the good times we had – the cousins’ picnics, the weddings, the Christmas Eve dinners.
We weren’t able to see you very often because we lived miles apart but you were always in our thoughts.
We will always keep you close to our hearts. We will always love you! Love, Bud and Joanne
Don and Family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time. We feel very blessed to have gotten to know Bea through our extraordinary friendship with Margit and Randy, and have Bea touch our lives. Don, take care of yourself, and we hope to see you and Jesse on your next visit to Boise…
Sorry to hear of your loss, we remember the good times we have had in the past years May God richly bless all of you. You are in our prayers.
May the great God of peace, grace & mercy give you comfort in your loss. Just remember it will be only a short time till Jesus comes & we will be with our love ones. May God comfort all of you as only He can.
We were heartbroken to hear of Sis. Bea’s passing. Our prayers are with you now and always. We love you all and will be there for you in this time.
Love Pastor Dave, Debbie and Josh
Mitch & I were so sorry to hear about Sister Bea. We didn’t know her health had been failing. We are praying for you & your family that Gods grace will be sufficient as you mourn her your loss. We’ve always had you in a special place in our hearts.
Love Mitchell & Ann Strother
Dearest Brother and family, you are truly in my prayers and thoughts. Bea was very much a part of our family and was loved very much. We will all miss her. May God comfort you every day.
Your always in my Prayers Jessie and also your family, She is always in your so she will always be close by. You carry own her tradition your smile is infectious and your caring unlimited. Love and Prayers Carol
Our hearts are hurting for you, but rejoicing for Sis Bea. She has always been a brilliant ray of sunshine to me. I never had a doubt in my mind that Jesus was her Lord and Saviour! What a legacy she has left behind!! She let Jesus shine through her and now she is with Him! I cannot wait to see her with her wonderful smile again!
We love you all!
Dave, Melissa, Jessie, Mandy, Katie and Bubba Luke Manary
Sister Bea will be missed. We would have liked to get to know her better, but we’ll have eternity in Heaven for that! Our hearts and prayers are with you, Don & Jessie & family.
With deepest love and sympathy,
Robert & Crystal & Xavier Maura
Guestbook for
Beatrice Marie Vice