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Lois Mudd
09/12/1926 — 01/28/2024
From Richland, WA | Born in Longrun, MO
Graveside Inurnment
Celebration of Life
1632 George Washington Way, Richland, WA 99354
Lois Mudd
Miss her already….such a sweet Aunt. Always asked about how others were doing because she cared….some wonderful memories with the family and conversations with Lois. Tell mom Hi, love you.
She has a loving family that honor her memory by how they demonstrate Christ’s love for others.
Janice so sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing………growing up I always felt welcome in her home ….either piclong you up on the Wa to school or spending the night….remember the love you shared and the good times……Elaine Tesky Hawkins
Lois was my dear sweet aunt and I thank God for these last few years of sharing and getting to know her better. She will be missed, but Praise God! She is at rest with Him now. May God comfort you Janice, Randy and families in the days ahead with His Peace. Love & Prayers, Niece Wilene Mills
Lois was my very dear sweet Aunt and so thankful I was able to have some special times getting to know her more in the last few years. She will be missed, but praise God! She is at rest with Him now and one day I will see her again in Heaven! Her niece. May God bless and comfort you Janice, Randy, and families in this time. Love & Prayers Cousin Wilene Mills in Puyallup WA, Tues, Feb 20, 2024
Deepest sympathy for the family.
My sincere condolences to the family. I was in school with Janice Mudd and I am sorry for your loss. May the memories you have of good and treasured times be with you and bring you peace at this difficult time.
Guestbook for
Lois Mudd