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Robert Partrick
07/18/1964 — 06/29/2024
From Richland WA
Robert Partrick
Robert was born July 18, 1964 to to Robert Earl Partrick Sr. And Elizabeth Theresa Partrick (Zscheile) In Sacramento, CA. And was the eldest of 3 siblings. As a young boy, the family moved to the tri cites, where is father worked at the Handford project as a Nuclear Physicist. Rob lived in the Tri-Cities for over 50 years.
Rob discovered his love to ride motorcycles when he was just a young man and that love continued on throughout his life, he was a Harley Davidson man. Rob also discovered his talent for woodworking early on in his life and mastered the craft. He eventually was able to own his own contracting business. “Strong Arm Construction”.
Rob was also a wizard at electronics and mathematics. His good friend Cory tells of a time when they were in the third grade; Rob built a synthesizer out of wood, tinfoil, nails, and a speaker, impressing his fellow classmates and earning him 1st place in the Science project. He also built a robot in the sixth grade, that apparently he could make walk up and down the stairs.
He attended Columbia Basin College and studied mathematics. Rob could do just about anything he set his mind too. His life long friend Dave would talk often about what a genius Rob was. He mastered woodworking and made beautiful things, he was a true handyman.
Later in life Rob met and married Trina Cline, the true love of his life. They had crossed paths many times during there teenage years and hung out with all the same friends, but they never connected. When they finally did get together it just fell into place for both of them and all that were around them could see how much they loved each other, they were partners, soulmates and best friends. They were lucky to have experienced this and packed in a whole lotta love in the time that they were together; traveling to Ocean, hiking mount Rainer, camping and attending several music concerts, they got to see “The Rolling Stones” and they both said “this is one that they can mark off there bucket list”.
Rob lived a colorful life and was what you would call a “wild child”. Trina remembers him telling her on their first date that he is the black sheep of the family, and a bit of a rebel so she better be prepared. That didn’t scare her, she could see his heart from the moment they met. Rob had many exciting and fun experiences and was able to travel, living in California, Seattle and working out of town on several contracting projects.
Rob was quick witted, kind hearted, giving, smart, devoted, wise, and strong. He will be missed more than words can express.
He passed away in peace at his home where he wanted to be, surrounded in love with his wife by his side.
Rob was preceded in death by his Father Robert Earl Partrick Sr. He leaves behind his mother Betty Zscheile, his younger Brother David Partrick (Jamie), his younger sister Kathy Littrell (Chad), his nieces and nephews, an abundance of friends, his best friends David Greenough and Cory Franklin, and his beloved wife Trina.
May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face and the rains fall softly upon your fields. Until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
There will be a celebration of his life (details to follow and will be sent to all his special friends and family)
· Donations in Rob’s honor can be made to A.B.A.T.E (American Bikers Aimed Toward Education) PO Box 8369 Tacoma, WA 98419 (206) 880-3432.
And the American Cancer Society.
Dear Robert my Brother-in-law and Love, you are a wonderful blessing to our family. You were there being the most supportive of souls for Trina and her family, when first, our father was taken and again when Trina’s/our mother passed. I heard about you from my mom and dad of what a great person you are. Of course my sister loved you so much it scared her because she never had a man care for her the deep abiding way you loved and cared for her. You chose to make Trina your wife and though time got in the way at first you made sure to give her not only your love but your honor as well. Dear brother you covered her spirit in a sacred love. You are a blessed man and I love you as a dear friend and family member forever. As all who loved you are aware that you are missed beyond words, Robert, I want to say it too, in this memorial note. You are missed Robert. Very much so. My prayers to God about you, and my thanksgiving for your kindness, will always rise in memories of you. May the Peace of Christ be with you eternally. May God bless and keep you and I hope to share in the blessings of Heaven one day when we all meet again dear Robert, soldier of righteousness, dear child of God.
I would never expect to miss you this much. But I miss you a lot. I think we got close to each other very quickly. At least I felt close to you when you passed. Like I had known you 20 years. You would be shocked at the total disregard your wishes that were made known to your siblings are being complied with. 2 days after your passing, your sister notified Trina that she would need to vacate your home, and asked when she thought she could be out of the house.
As I am sure that Trina had not thought about that scenario she responded with maybe October 1. Kathy responded with she estimated September 1 would be preferred. Within a month of this communication Kathy notified Trina again and requested to come in the house for a walk down. Trina informed Kathy that the Sunday that Kathy wanted to enter the house would not work because that weekend was the time scheduled for you celebration of life. She showed up anyway. Lucky Corey was there. Another contact was made when Kathy texted Trina and asked Trina how things are going. This is harassment at its most cruel level. I offered my involvement to Trina but you know how she is. However Corey was able to call Kathy and offer her an understanding of what Trina is going through. I hope Kathy will back off. Anyway my brother, I do miss you, I got Trina.
I love you
Rob, never would I have thought that I would have missed you this much. I do miss you. I didn’t think you were going to leave so soon. We got close to each other quickly. It was good. I felt confident that you watched over my little sister. I felt like you had taken the actions necessary to ensure that she would be secure upon your passing. I know you believed that you had done so. And I know you would be shocked at what your siblings have done in your absence. Two days after you passed your sister notified Trina that she would be expected to vacate the house, and was asked when she thought she could be out. She responded with a tentative date of October 1. Kathy responded that they believed a more reasonable date is September 1. I told her that she should respond with a more appropriate date of January 1. They are showing total disrespect to your wishes. And cruelty to Trina. Trina of course thinks David and Kathy hate her given their actions.
No matter what she has help
Regardless of the date, which won’t be an unreasonable date.
Earliest of 10/01. Maybe later.
Miss you my brother
Love you Kerry
Rest in peace Rob. I am glad you found happiness in your life. Trina I am sorry for your loss.
Robert (my love)
I can’t begin to tell you how much I miss you. I went from the happiest girl in the world to the saddest girl in the world in the blink of an eye. I thank you for all the wonderful times that we spent together and I will cherish every moment. I am so honored that you asked me to marry you and that I get to be your wife. I will make you proud honey. You brought me more Joy in our time together than I have ever experienced (I will hang on to you and all that you taught me). My heart has a huge hole in it, I am trying to fill it up with all the Love and memories (it will never be completely fixed) but I am working on it. I know that you worried about hurting me and how I was going to survive. At first I wasn’t sure if I was going to, I don’t like it one bit being here without you, but I will try to carry on and find a way to get through this (although I don’t see how that is possible) . I love you so very much, and I am grateful that we got to experience all that we did together . more than 10 minutes Babe, 🙂 🙂 . Only you know that little inside Joke! I will store all of our memories and our love safely tucked away in my heart, for the love doesn’t go away. I will carry on for you my love, because I know that you want that for me, but I will never feel the same and this void can never be filled. I will see you again Babe and that will be a glorious day!! Rest easy honey, for you deserve it.
“I’m so happy that you found a place that’s better for you than this Rock were living on”
“No matter what the distance is, I will be with you. No matter what the distance is, you’ll be ok”
Forever Yours, ❤
Trina Marie Partrick
Guestbook for
Robert Partrick