Elizabeth Powers-Hammond

08/06/1957 ā€” 09/05/2024


Sat, September 28, 2024, 10:00 am
Christ the King Catholic Church
1111 Stevens Drive

Richland, WA US 99354


Sat, September 28, 2024, 11:00 am
Christ the King Catholic Church
1111 Stevens Drive

Richland, WA US 99354

Committal Service

Sat, September 28, 2024, 12:30 pm
Sunset Gardens
915 Bypass Highway Richland, WA 99352
Visit   Sunset Gardens


Sat, September 28, 2024, 1:30 pm
Events at Sunset
915 Bypass Highway

Richland, WA 99352

Elizabeth Powers-Hammond

Elizabeth (Lizann) Powers-Hammond
August 1957 – September 2024

Our beloved Lizann was called home from this earth on September 5, 2024. Faced with a sudden and aggressive illness, she remained vibrant with her zest for life and ever-present wit to the end. She was strong in her faith and knew she was going home to be with those loved ones who had passed before her. Typical Lizann, her last communications regarded concern for those loved ones she was leaving behind including very clear direction to her husband Bob as to her wishes and expectations regarding her daughters and grandson.
Lizann was born and raised in Seattle Washington. She graduated from Queen Anne High School where she was active as a cheerleader and participated in many other extra-curricular activities. She loved keeping up as much as possible with her dozens of high school friends and looked forward to attending those reunions whenever she was able. She was a competitive majorette accumulating several high place awards. Through these competitions she met and kept up with many friends across the northwest over the years. Lizann was a very accomplished athlete and often commented that she wished Title IX had happened just a few years earlier. A graceful and powerful skier, she loved her time on the mountain runs with mom and siblings. Lizann loved to run, swim and cycle and ultimately combined those to participate (she always chose that rather than “compete”) as a triathlete. Although placing in her age group in most of her events, her true joy came from socializing with her fellow participants, often during the races and for sure before and afterwards. Her crowning achievement was a 14 hour – 30 minute completion of the 1994 Canada Ironman Triathlon.
Lizann received her Bachelor’s degree from Central Washington University and Master’s degree from Washington State University in nutrition, leading to her 30+ year career in Cooperative Extension for WSU. She was a nationally – recognized expert in food safety, publishing many resource manuals and documents. She so-much loved all of her Master Food Preservers and believed it a true honor to teach, mentor and as she often said, learn from those students. Lizann had intended to retire and knew that her last Master Food Preservation classes would be this year – she did get to complete those prior to becoming aware of her illness.
A great part of Lizann’s joy came from her continued fellowship with her very large extended family, the Power’s (Seattle) and Bennett’s (Walla Walla). She had stories upon stories she shared with us about being raised with all her cousins and it wasn’t hard to see how influential they all were to her.
Lizann’s pure love and commitment to her husband, daughters and grandson were awe-inspiring. She was the family anchor through good and challenging times. All knew that mom was an immovable object that gave so much more than she ever received from us. She believed in personal independence and taught that to her daughters. They got to watch mom walk the talk every day and it has and will continue helping all of us to live life on earth in a manner to which she would give a nod of her head.
Lizann was preceded in death by her parents William Powers Sr and Joyce Powers (Bennett). She is survived by husband Bob, daughters Julianne and Justine, grandson Mateo Andrade, and siblings William Powers Jr (Sandy), David Powers (Suzy), Gregory Powers (Katie) and Margaret Powers.

Guestbook for

Elizabeth Powers-Hammond

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  • Lizann & I met along with our friend Laura at the start of grad school at WSU. We quickly became the 3 musketeers and spent all of our time together for several years. I eventually moved to the Seattle area and we continued our special friendship. One of my favorite memories was running with her Mom. The 3 musketeers also travelled to San Fran and we dressed up & ran the bridge race – so much fun! Most recently Lizann was in Seattle last April, and we got together and giggled, cried, and shared memories for 6+ hours on my couchā€¦I will always cherish our special time together that evening not knowing it would be our last visit. Lizann you will always be in my heart ā¤ļø and now you are with the angelsšŸ™
    Love you always my friend, Karen G.

    Karen Gabrielsen
    September 29, 2024
    Everett, WA
  • Lizann & I met along with our friend Laura when the 3 of us were in grad school at WSU working on our M.S. degrees in Nutrition. The 3 of us bonded together as the 3 musketeers for several years at WSU. I eventually moved to Seattle area and we continued our special friendship . One of my great memories was going on runs with her Mom in the Seattle area. The 3 of us musketeers also travelled to San Fran and ran the San Fran bridge run one year. So many happy memories!! Best of all , I was able to recently visit with Lizann when she was in Seattle in late April – we talked , giggled, cried, and shared memories for 6+ hours in my home. I will always cherish our bond & friendship. God bless Lizann – you are now with the angelsā€¦ Love, Karen G.

    Karen Gabrielsen
    September 29, 2024
    Everett WA
  • LizAnn, you were one of the first friends I made at my first job as a scientist. You made me feel heard, supported, and that my passion for helping others was much needed in this world; and to never let anyone rain on my parade of good cheer.

    I keep expecting to see you in the hallway at work, it is dark there without your spark.

    I will never forget our friendship, one could never a forget a kindred spirit.

    Hazel Kwak
    September 28, 2024
    Richland, WA
  • Lizann, you were a light to me. I look forward to seeing you again. Until then, you’ll be missed.

    Merry Collop
    September 27, 2024
  • Dear Julianne, Justine, and Bob,

    Bill and I were shocked and sad to learn that Lizann had died. As neighborhood friends, we watched the Hammond family grow and can still remember the joy and excitement around the arrival of Julianne and Justine. What a proud mamma she was!! Talking with Lizann was always uplifting; her sense of humor stripped away awkwardness and put life’s complaints in proper perspective. Greetings in recent years were mostly waves from our vehicles, but we will always remember her smiling face peering out of that perfectly maintained red Highlander (a family member of sorts as well). We feel very grateful now for our last conversation which was in the spring of 2023, when we bumped into each other on a walk in the Library park. We are grieving with Lizann’s family at this time and feeling so thankful to have been her neighbor for so many years.

    Susan & Bill Dixon
    September 27, 2024
    Oregon City, Oregon
  • Lizann was a very special friend. Her infectious laughter and humorous stories made it a delight to know her. Her intense love and deep devotion for her family was an inspiration to us all. We will never forget you lizzie and will keep Bob. Jullianne. Justine, and Mateo in our thoughts and prayers forever.

    Kathy and Frank Spane
    September 27, 2024
    Richland, Washington
  • I first met Liz after I moved here from Ohio. Primarily a competitive runner, I had very little competitive experience in swimming. I had entered a local race ( run, swim, run) Liz gave me some of the best advice I’ve ever received in regards to swimming in the river.
    She explained that as I entered the river, my adrenaline would be high, and my breathing would be labored from running. Her advice was to ” think ahead and prepare mentally ” and to anticipate the temperature change, in order to avoid the urge to gasp air, and potentially breath water in. I had never considered this before, and I still think of her advice when ever I enter the river. Doesn’t matter if I’m only floating down stream in a float. The advice is valuable.
    I’m sorry for your loss. May you find comfort from good memories, and those closest to you.
    Lori Pappas Saueressig

    Lori Pappas Saueressig
    September 26, 2024
  • My most sincere condolences to you Bob and your family. I did not know Lizann but know from our conversations that you shared an endearing bond. My prayers are with you.

    Jim Halverson
    September 25, 2024
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
  • I love you cousin! I know for sure that all her Aunties and Uncle’s were excited to her souls arrival! My own mother was probably giddy and Bill and Joyce just waiting to enfold her in their love once more!
    Lizann, you were the light that turned on to brighten any room. You will be the light that we, you family and friends, when we look to te heavens we will see. You are missed here! Abs we will see you on the other side! šŸ’œšŸŒˆšŸŒ šŸŒŗšŸ’œ

    Eileen Powers
    September 24, 2024
    Waianae, Hawaii
  • Lizann came to WSU and spoke to us in a nutrition class on one point while I was a student there. She shared about triathlon and for some reason has always stuck with me. I participated in Ironman 70.3 in tri cities this past weekend and she was heavy on my mind. Condolences to her family. Iā€™m saddened by this news.

    September 24, 2024
  • We are so incredibly saddened to hear of Lizannā€™s passing. Our hearts go out to Bob, Julianne, Justine, Mateo and all the Powers Family. She will definitely be missed at all the family functions. I know sheā€™s up there with all the Aunties and Uncles giving them the business. Until we meet again, rest in peace dear cousin.

    Ann and Dana Knudtson
    September 23, 2024
    Walla Walla
  • Lizann, I’ve know you forever. So very sorry to hear you are gone. I hope for you tremendous peace and love moving forward. Much love to you/

    Debby Floyd
    September 23, 2024
  • May you all find peace and comfort in the memories. Our hearts are with you.

    Vanessa Chavez
    September 23, 2024
    Cedar Rapids
  • We are beyond sorry for your loss. All our love is with husband Bob, daughters Julianne and Justine, grandson Mateo. As you remember all the joy Lizann brought to our lives. We only hope the sadness never out weights the happiness and honor of knowing Lizann. May all the joy filled memories help at this incredibly difficult time.

    Diana and Jon Spangle
    September 23, 2024
    Richland, Wa
  • So sorry to hear of Lizann’s passing. Our thoughts go out to Bob, their daughters, and grandson. We only met her a few times here in Cedar Rapids, IA, and are extremely grateful for the family sacrifices made to share her husband Bob with us. Rest in peace.

    Rob Davis
    September 23, 2024
    Cedar Rapids, IA
  • Heart is aching for Bob, Julianne, Justine, & Mateo.

    As the saying goes ” only the good die young). Lizann was definitely far too young. She was truly one of a kind, & there will never be another quite like her.

    Rest in peace cousin, until we meet again.

    Ed & Donna Nelson
    September 22, 2024
    Walla Walla, WA
  • Just call, text or knock if you need us.

    We truly lost another one of God’s masterpieces.

    Bob and Jennifer Krebs
    September 21, 2024
  • World will just not be the same without your loving, energetic self!

    Stone Family
    September 21, 2024
  • Lizannā€” you were the ā€œLIFEā€!
    i will miss you soā€”
    There are certain special people that deeply touch your heart in life~ and you my friend were one!
    Until we meet again~
    Ever~ Susanā¤ļø

    September 20, 2024
    Port Ludlow
  • beyondblu2020@icloud.com

    September 20, 2024
  • So sorry to hear of Elizabeth’s passing. She was a mentor to many in Extension, including myself when I first began working for WSU many years ago. God bless.

    Mark Heitstuman, Interim WA State 4-H Program Director
    September 20, 2024
    Uniontown, WA
  • Lizann, your infectious smile and humor will never be forgotten. May God grant you much rest.
    May your memory be everlasting.
    Love you,Sofia

    September 19, 2024
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